Telegram CEO Pavel Durov criticized French authorities on Thursday after being charged with multiple offenses related to illicit activities on the encrypted messaging app. In his first public statement since his arrest last month, Durov denied claims that Telegram was an "anarchic paradise" for illegal activities, defending the platform’s efforts to cooperate with law enforcement.
Durov expressed surprise over his arrest, stating that he had personally assisted French officials in setting up a hotline to combat terrorism in France. The charges brought by Paris prosecutors last week include complicity in crimes such as enabling illegal transactions, distributing child sexual abuse material, drug trafficking, and fraud. Durov is also accused of failing to cooperate adequately with law enforcement.
In his statement, Durov questioned the legal strategy of targeting him personally, arguing that action should be taken against the platform rather than its executives. He also highlighted the challenges innovators face when building new technology, warning that holding CEOs personally liable for misuse could stifle innovation.
Durov, a Russian-born entrepreneur who holds citizenship in both the United Arab Emirates and France, maintains that while Telegram isn't perfect, the charges against him are outdated and unjustified.